Take that First Step towards Your better Future!!

Acquiring new age Skills not only makes you more employable but will enhance your chances to secure a better salary. In the age of AI, which is expected to change the landscape of Job Market, we strongly believe that having hands-on Skills in futuristic sectors will be a big plus in addition to the education that you have acquired.    
If you were not so fortunate to acquire a formal education, don’t loose heart. We have courses for all who are at least 5th Class pass and we assure you that you will find a secure path to build an exciting career after acquiring skills from our network of ISTI institutes. And that too very affordable. 

Visit ISTI for More

Placement Guarantee

100% Placement Guarantee* based Skills Courses being led by best industry professionals. We have so far placed >75% of Students (all in International Markets) who are earning very attractive salary packages besides free accommodation and food. 

Be Part of SkillNxt

If you are keen to build your knowledge and are looking for relevant good quality resources, pls visit our SkillsNxt App

At AstonGreens, we provide best-in-class Skills Training in Energy Transition and Digital Construction (both are futuristic sectors where Millions of Jobs are expected to be created around the world and annual global business is expected to cross trillion dollars very soon in our race to become Net Zero Carbon Emitters to save the future generations from the harmful effects of Global Warming.  

Skill Changes the World

If you want to make a lasting change in your life, please for details on available courses and process of enrollment. 

 Visit our Website